Login Settings

This tab provides you with the various login settings. This includes redirecting users to the specific/dynamic page after login. In addition to this, you can also redirect users to the public page of your site and put Button/Link to perform the SSO.

1. Redirect after Login and Logout

  • You just need to enter the full URL of the page inside the Redirection Section of the Login Setup where you wanted the user to be redirected.

    Login Endpoint URL - Enter the URL of the page where you want to get redirected after logging in.

    Logout Endpoint URL - Enter the URL of the page where you want to get redirected after logging in.

    ASP.NET SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) - ASP.NET SAML SSO - SAML for ASP.NET - Image of Redirection Section

2. Prior SSO Redirections

A] Auto Redirect to IDP

  • On enabling this features, the unauthenticated users will be redirected to the default IDP. You can either configure URLs to be restricted or can make it public.

  • The public URLs will be whitelisted and other all URLs when triggered will be redirected to IDP and vice versa for the Restricted URLs.

B] Modify SSO Request

  • Using this feature, you can add additional queryparamaters to your SSO Request. For e.g : As shown in image below, the SSO Request will have an additional parameter as “&memberType=Admin“

ASP.NET SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) - ASP.NET SAML SSO - SAML for ASP.NET - Image of Prior SSO Redirection Section

3. Authentication Methods

  • Using this feature you can store the user attributes in a different ways.

  • We provide following ways for storing user attributes.

    Session based login - Session based login is used to store the user attributes in particular session.

    Header based login -Header based login helps to authenticate the user via windows authentication.

    Forms Authentication - Forms Authentication can store the user attributes in different forms.

    ASP.NET SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) - ASP.NET SAML SSO - SAML for ASP.NET - Image of Authentication Section

4. Custom Certificate

  • Using this feature you can upload self signed custom certificate.

  • You will be required to provide your Private key in .pfx and Public key in .crt format. Enter your certificate password in plain-text, leave it empty if there is no password.

    ASP.NET SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) - ASP.NET SAML SSO - SAML for ASP.NET - Image of Custom Certificate Section

5. Custom URL'S

  • This feature is used to customize the Login and Logout url's. SSO Login and Logout will get intiated using the custom login url and custom logout url respectively.

ASP.NET SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) - ASP.NET SAML SSO - SAML for ASP.NET - Image of Custom Certificate Section