Look and Feel

Login Page

Login Button Text

Set button label for SSO button shown on login page. This button will be shown only if single IDP is configured.
In case of multiple IDP Configuration you will see the IDP name on login Page.

SSO button position

In this section, you will get an option to set the SSO button either Before Before Login Button or After Login Button

Login button

Custom Login Template

This is the default template for Single IdP setup but you can customize it according to your need or you can design your own SSO login template for the Application Login page.

Default login page URL

Use this URL to access the Jira default login page when the custom login template is turned on.

Default Customer Portal login page URL

Use this URL to access the Jira default login page when the custom login template is turned on.

Code to add new SSO button

IDP ID can be obtained from the Overview tab for each IDP. If you have configured only one IDP, this is optional.

default login url

SSO Error Message

Enable the SSO Error Message to redirect users to the custom error page. Once this is enabled the custom error template will be shown to the user when SSO fails. Use $baseUrl key for login page URL, suggested use for href in <a> . You can also edit this custom error page template's URL as required.

SSO Error Message

Custom Error Messages

You can configure the custom error messages for errors given below.

1. INVALID_CLIENT - This is will occur if SSO fails due to other reasons.
2. USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED - This is will occur if SSO fails due to other reasons.
3. USER_NOT_ALLOWED - This is will occur if SSO fails due to other reasons.
4. DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWED - This is will occur if SSO fails due to other reasons.