
Joomla AWS Cognito Integrator :

This add-on manages all user processes such as login, registration, profile update, and password reset when utilizing SSO with Joomla to know more click here.

Joomla Azure Integrator :

When implementing SSO with Joomla, the Joomla Azure AD integrator manages all user processes such as login, registration, profile update, and password reset to know more click here.

SCIM User Provisioning :

Joomla SSO enables your users to log in to your Joomla site and sync user creation, update, and deletion from your IDP to your Joomla site using SCIM User Provisioning to know more click here.

Discord Role Mapping :

Discord Role Mapping add-on helps you to get roles from your discord server and maps it to Joomla users while SSO to know more click here.