Attribute mapping

  • This mapping allows you to map Identity Provider attributes to the username and email fields of the Drupal user profile during SSO login. If the user already exists in Drupal, their username and email will be updated based on the mapping. The default attribute for Drupal username and email is NameID.

Steps for attribute mapping:

  • Go to the Mapping tab> Attribute Mapping

  • Enter the attribute name you want to use as the Drupal user’s username from the IdP response in the Username Attribute textbox.

  • Enter the attribute name you want to use as the Drupal user’s email from the IdP response in the Email Attribute textbox.

  • Scroll down and click on the Save Configuration button.

  • Note: Be careful when using this mapping. Incorrect mapping can lead to errors such as "The username is already taken" or "The email address is already taken."
    This mapping allows you to map Identity Provider attributes to the username and email fields of the Drupal user profile during SSO login. If the user already exists in Drupal, their username and email will be updated based on the mapping. The default attribute for Drupal username and email is NameID.