User Mapping Configuration

The user mapping configuration is needed to configure the LDAP tree (Search Base) and the Active Directory/ LDAP Server attribute (Search Filter) to search for a user using the LDAP/Directory attribute inside the LDAP tree. To search for a user, we need to know where to search and how to search for it.

  1. Search Base - where to search for the user
    To search for a user, we need to provide the location where the user's details are stored. The Active Directory/LDAP Server has a hierarchical structure, and data is stored in the form of branches of a tree. Each tree branch is a search base. Thus, we provide different search bases to search for a user.
  2. Search Filter- how to search for the user
    A search base determines the location where user details are stored. The search filter is the attribute responsible for searching for a user inside the Search Base. If the search filter is the user's principal name, a user is searched by the username inside the search base.

The different search options are as below:

LDAP Attribute Name LDAP Attribute Value
common name (&(objectClass=)(cn=?))*
email (&(objectClass=)(mail=?))*
logon name (&(objectClass=)(sAMAccountName=?)) or (&(objectClass=)(userPrincipalName=?))
custom attribute where you store your Joomla usernames use (&(objectClass=)(customAttribute=?)) *

LDAP User Mapping Configuration to search for the user in the LDAP Server/Active Directory

  1. Multiple-Search base - The LDAP tree is a hierarchical tree structure wherein a branch is a Search Base. This functionality allows the authentication of users present on multiple search bases.