
Drupal OAuth Client Configuration

  • You can configure your OAuth provider using Configure OAuth tab. Here you have to provide your OAuth providers Client id, Client secret, Scope and endpoints .
  • The enterprise module gives you to the option of Custom Redirect URL after login and logout option which are not there in free version module.
  • If you have any issues to configure your OAuth provider you can find our guideline in the right side of the configuration.
  • Enter your OAuth Provider's information in their respective fields (Client ID, Client Secret, Scop, Tenant ID) and click on Save Configuration button.

Drupal OAuth Client Azure AD Configuration

  • After successful configuration click on the Test configuration button. There a new window will open which will display either of the following configuration status :-
    • Configuration successful – with user attributes.
    • Error message – if any configuration error sent by IdP.

Drupal OAuth Client Azure AD Attributes

Drupal OAuth Client Azure AD Attribute