This feature will allow or restrict the user to log in based on attributes received from the OAuth server/provider. Using this feature, you can also redirect the user to a specific Drupal site URL if the user is restricted from logging in using SSO.
Step to enable Attribute/Role base restriction:
Scroll down to the Attribute/Role Base Restriction section in the Attribute and Role Mapping tab.
Check the Enable Attribute/Role Base Restriction checkbox. It is a mandatory action.
Now, enter the attribute name in the Attribute Name text field that you want to restrict or allow.
After entering the attribute name, select Allow below attributes or Restrict below attributes according to requirement.
Allow below attributes: Enabling this option will allow the users with the above-mentioned attribute name, to perform SSO.
Restrict below attributes: Enabling this option will restrict the users with the above-mentioned attribute name, to perform SSO.
Enter the attribute value in the text box. You can enter the multiple attribute values by separating them by ;(Semicolon).
In the Redirect Restricted Users text box enter the URL on which you want to redirect restricted users. Users will be directed to the login page if you keep it empty.