There are three ways to install Drupal OAuth & OpenID connect Login - OAuth2 Client SSO Login module.
- Using Composer:
Pre-requisite - Composer is installed on the local machine, and the Drupal site is managed by the Composer.- Download and Install module:
composer require Drupal / miniorange_oauth_client
- Navigate to the Extend menu on your Drupal admin console and search for miniOrange OAuth Client using the search box.
- Enable the module by checking the checkbox and clicking on the Install button.
- You can configure the module at
- Download and Install module:
- Using Drush:
- Download the module:
composer require drupal/miniorange_oauth_client
- Install the module:
drush en miniorange_oauth_client
- Clear the cache:
drush cr
- You can configure the module at
- Download the module:
- Manual Installation:
Pre-requisite - The core Update Manager module must be installed.- Go to the Extend menu on your Drupal admin console and click on Install new module.
- Install the Drupal OAuth & OpenID Connect Login - OAuth2 Client SSO Login module either by downloading the zip or from the URL of the package(tar/zip).
- Click on Enable newly added modules.
- Enable the module.
- You can configure the module at