Attribute Mapping

This feature can be used to map user attributes coming from Identity Provider with Joomla's user details.

Attributes are the user details that are stored in your Identity Providers. These attributes include Username, Email, First Name, Last Name, Display Name, etc. The Attribute Mapping feature helps you to map these user attributes sent by the IDP to the Joomla user attributes.

  • Every time your user performs SSO on your Joomla site, these attributes will be automatically mapped to your Joomla user profile.
  • If any existing user performs the SSO, then their Joomla account will be fetched and their profile will be updated based on attributes received from the IDP.
  • You can also check the box 'Do not update existing user's attributes if you don't want to update the attributes of existing users.

We have 4 types of Attribute Mapping:

  1. Basic Attribute Mapping:
  • By default, the Username and Email are the two basic attributes that are used for attribute mapping. Generally, the NameID value is what’s used for this purpose.
  • You can choose and set attributes sent by the IDP to be mapped with Joomla attributes like Username, Email, and Name.

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  1. Joomla's User Profile Attribute Mapping:
  • If you want to map extra attributes like address, and phone number, etc to the Joomla user profile then you can map this here.
  • During the user's registration or login, the User Profile Attributes field in the User profile table of Joomla will be updated with the value corresponding to the User Profile Attributes Mapping Value from IDP.

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  1. Joomla's User Field Attribute Mapping:
    If you want to map extra attributes to the Joomla user custom field then you can map using this feature.
    During the user's registration or login, the User Field Attributes field in the User field table of Joomla will be updated with the value corresponding to User Field Attributes Mapping Value from IDP.

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  1. Joomla's User Contact Attribute Mapping:
    If you want to map extra attributes to the Joomla user custom field then you can map using this feature.
    During the user's registration or login, the User Field Attributes field in the User field table of Joomla will be updated with the value corresponding to User Contact Attributes Mapping Value from IDP.

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