WP CLI commands for the WordPress OAuth SSO Plugin.

1. Libraries Installation

  • You need to install the WP-CLI libraries to run the command in your terminal, click here to download and install.
CLI Commands Action
wp oauth activate Activate the Plugin License Verification
wp oauth add_application Configure OAuth Provider, Attribute and Role Mapping
wp oauth advanced_settings Configure Sign-in-Settings
wp oauth import Import the JSON configuration into the Plugin
wp oauth deactivate Deactivate the Plugin
  • You need to open the terminal in the root directory of your WordPress instance to run the commands.

  • For ex:

    Type  ‘wp oauth’ command to list down all the actions.


2. Activate the Plugin License Verification

  • The plugin must be activated on the WordPress site.

  • For ex:

    Type  ‘wp oauth activate’ command to run the license verification process in the plugin.


  • After successfully, activating the license, you can now proceed to add OAuth Provider.

3. Configure OAuth provider, attribute, and role mapping

  • The plugin setup, in this case, uses the Discord OAuth Provider, click here to see the list of OAuth Providers.

  • For ex:

    Type  ‘wp oauth add_application’ command to run the Configure OAuth application, Attribute, and Role Mapping.


  • After successfully, configuring the OAuth application, You can now proceed to the Attribute Mapping.


  • After successfully, configuring the Attribute Mapping, You can now proceed to Role Mapping.


  • After successfully, configuring the Role Mapping, Copy the redirect URL and paste it into your OAuth Server.

4. Configure Sign-in-Settings

  • For ex:
    Type  ‘wp oauth advanced_settings’ command to run the advanced Sign-In-Settings Process in the plugin.


5. Import the JSON configuration into the Plugin

  • For ex:
    Type  ‘wp oauth import --plugin_backup=plugin_backup.json’ command to import the configuration to the plugin.
  • Note: Make sure to keep the plugin_backup.json file ( exported JSON configuration file from the miniOrange plugin) in the root directory of the WordPress instance.
    .. / wp-content / plugins / plugin_backup.json


6. Deactivate the Plugin

  • For ex:
    Type  ‘wp oauth deactivate’ command to run the Plugin Deactivate Process.


If you need any assistance, Please reach out to us at oauthsupport@xecurify.com.