WP CLI commands for the WordPress OAuth SSO Plugin.
1. Libraries Installation
- You need to install the WP-CLI libraries to run the command in your terminal, click here to download and install.
CLI Commands | Action |
wp oauth activate | Activate the Plugin License Verification |
wp oauth add_application | Configure OAuth Provider, Attribute and Role Mapping |
wp oauth advanced_settings | Configure Sign-in-Settings |
wp oauth import | Import the JSON configuration into the Plugin |
wp oauth deactivate | Deactivate the Plugin |
You need to open the terminal in the root directory of your WordPress instance to run the commands.
For ex:
Type ‘wp oauth’ command to list down all the actions.
2. Activate the Plugin License Verification
The plugin must be activated on the WordPress site.
For ex:
Type ‘wp oauth activate’ command to run the license verification process in the plugin.
After successfully, activating the license, you can now proceed to add OAuth Provider.
3. Configure OAuth provider, attribute, and role mapping
The plugin setup, in this case, uses the Discord OAuth Provider, click here to see the list of OAuth Providers.
For ex:
Type ‘wp oauth add_application’ command to run the Configure OAuth application, Attribute, and Role Mapping.
After successfully, configuring the OAuth application, You can now proceed to the Attribute Mapping.
After successfully, configuring the Attribute Mapping, You can now proceed to Role Mapping.
After successfully, configuring the Role Mapping, Copy the redirect URL and paste it into your OAuth Server.
4. Configure Sign-in-Settings
- For ex:
Type ‘wp oauth advanced_settings’ command to run the advanced Sign-In-Settings Process in the plugin.
5. Import the JSON configuration into the Plugin
- For ex:
Type ‘wp oauth import --plugin_backup=plugin_backup.json’ command to import the configuration to the plugin.
- Note: Make sure to keep the plugin_backup.json file ( exported JSON configuration file from the miniOrange plugin) in the root directory of the WordPress instance.
.. / wp-content / plugins / plugin_backup.json
6. Deactivate the Plugin
- For ex:
Type ‘wp oauth deactivate’ command to run the Plugin Deactivate Process.
If you need any assistance, Please reach out to us at oauthsupport@xecurify.com.