Error Codes

If you are facing issues while performing Single Sign-On (SSO) on your site, please refer the error codes below:

Error Code No. Error Code Description FAQ
WPSAMLERR001 Encrypted Assertion From IDP ERR001
WPSAMLERR002 NameID missing ERR002
WPSAMLERR003 Unsigned Response or Assertion ERR003
WPSAMLERR004 Mismatch in Certificate ERR004
WPSAMLERR005 User Creation Failed ERR005
WPSAMLERR006 Invalid Status Code ERR006
WPSAMLERR007 SP clock is behind IDP ERR007
WPSAMLERR008 SP clock is ahead of IDP ERR008
WPSAMLERR009 Invalid Audience URI ERR009
WPSAMLERR010 Wrong IDP Entity ID ERR010
WPSAMLERR011 Username length limit exceeded ERR011
WPSAMLERR012 Mismatch in Certificate ERR012
WPSAMLERR013 Certificate Not Found ERR013
WPSAMLERR014 Encryption Certificate Mismatch ERR014
WPSAMLERR015 DOM extension not installed ERR015
WPSAMLERR016 Either the user has reloaded the page while the plugin was processing the SAML Response or someone has tried to send a duplicated SAML Response. ERR016
WPSAMLERR017 Invalid XML detected by the plugin in the form of SAML Metadata, SAML Logout Response, and SAML Response. ERR017
WPSAMLERR018 Not a WordPress Member ERR018
WPSAMLERR019 User role is restricted ERR019
WPSAMLERR020 PHP OpenSSL extension is either not installed or disabled. ERR020
WPSAMLERR021 Permission Denied: Blacklisted user ERR021
WPSAMLERR022 Permission Denied: Not a Whitelisted user ERR022
WPSAMLERR023 IDP not enabled ERR023
WPSAMLERR024 Invalid SAML Assertion ERR024
WPSAMLERR025 Invalid Logout Request ERR025
WPSAMLERR026 Invalid Metadata file/URL ERR026
WPSAMLERR027 Incorrect IDP certificates ERR027
WPSAMLERR028 Unable to process XML ERR028
WPSAMLERR029 Plugin License Expired ERR029
WPSAMLERR030 Invalid License Found ERR030
WPSAMLERR031 License File missing from the plugin ERR031
WPSAMLERR032 The Curl extension is either not installed or disabled ERR032
WPSAMLERR033 IDP is incorrectly configured or the SAML Response contains insecure elements ERR033
WPSAMLERR034 No Default IDP selected ERR034
WPSAMLERR035 Password Reset URL not configured ERR035
WPSAMLERR036 No Such Identity Provider is configured at your SP ERR036
WPSAMLERR037 UserName/Email Missing ERR037
WPSAMLERR038 Test Configuration is not allowed for non-admin users ERR038
WPSAMLERR039 Subsite Limit Exceeded ERR039

For more information visit our WordPress SSO page.

If you need any assistance, Please reach out to us at