Manage Certificates

In the Manage Certificates tab of the plugin, Certificate details are provided. They are explained as below:

Manage Certificates tab - Developer Docs

1. Certificate Thumbprint
  • Certificate Thumbprint is a unique code that helps to identify and verify the certificate.
2. Expiry Date
  • It shows the expiry date of the certificate.
3. miniOrange default certificate Configuration
  • This tab is to use the default X.509 certificate provided by the plugin and will show the steps to update the certificate when it is about to expire or expired.

Use a Custom Certificate

In this tab, you can upload your custom certificate. This adds another layer of security to your configuration.

1. X.509 Public Certificate
  • An X.509 Public Certificate includes both a public key and the certificate holder’s identity which is used to establish a secure connection.
2. X.509 Private Certificate
  • It contains a private key that is kept confidential by the certificate holder for their identity authentication, encryption and digital signatures.